Emily Yoffe
Photograph by Teresa Castracane.
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Dear Prudence,
A close friend of mine unfortunately was diagnosed with HIV about two years ago. We are part of a circle of close gay friends. We have been extremely supportive of him, as he is young and nobody wants such a life-altering illness. He avoided dating, as well as sex dates, until he met the person who seems to be the man of his dreams. His boyfriend does not have HIV, and we figured that our friend would tell him his own status soon enough. But it became apparent that he hadn't informed his partner and has avoided doing so for the past year. I assumed they were using protection but the other night I asked the boyfriend about it. He responded, ?Of course we don't! We've been together for a year now and are monogamous.? I am in shock. My friend is being bizarrely protected by everybody with people advising that I stay out of their business. I have no idea how to tackle this situation. I feel that my friend's partner deserves to know, but how do I tell him, or who does it?
Dear Devastating,
A couple of years ago one of your friend?s dates, or even one of his ?sex dates,? neglected to pass on some crucial information to him, and thus passed on an incurable virus. I hope he is not justifying his own negligence by concluding such risks are the price one pays for an interesting sex life. Or maybe he?s engaging in magical thinking and has concluded that if he?s on antiretroviral therapy (which I assume he is) then love and a low viral load will protect his boyfriend. It?s true treatment reduces the chances of transmission. But the risk still exists and absent the use of condoms your friend is playing sexual Russian roulette with someone else?s life. I spoke to Wendy E. Parmet, associate dean of Northeastern University School of Law and an expert on public health law, and she said that in most states a person who is HIV positive and knowingly engages in unsafe sex could be found criminally liable, though such prosecutions are rare. But your dilemma is primarily an ethical one, and I applaud you for recognizing that a wrong is being done instead of shrugging off someone else?s health. Either your friend has been lying to his boyfriend or he?s allowed the new love to make some false assumptions about his risk. That?s a terrible thing to do, and you seem to be the only person in your circle clear-eyed enough to address this. Although I turned to Parmet for legal expertise, I agree with her suggestion about how you should proceed: Have a frank discussion with your friend in which you say you understand the turmoil he must be experiencing, but if it?s true he hasn?t disclosed his HIV status to his boyfriend and they?re not using condoms, then something has to be done. This talk will confirm whether you?ve got your facts straight, and if you do, you should tell your friend he needs to inform his boyfriend immediately. Say that if he doesn?t, you will. Yes, your friendship will likely be at an end. But a person who would endanger the life of someone he supposedly loves is not much of a friend to anyone.
Dear Prudence: Play-Date Psychodrama
Dear Prudence,
For years I?ve had a long-distance occasional affair with a man living in another country. When we can, every few years we meet for a few days, usually in Europe (where neither of us lives) and between these times exchange the odd email and gift. Neither wants more from the other than this, but both of us treasure this romantic attachment, this holiday from reality. For the past few months we have been planning a two-week trip. The plane tickets are bought, I'm busy researching hotels, temples, ruined forts. The prospect of seeing this country and being with him again is thrilling. But recently I met someone whom I believe I could have a relationship with. This man and I seem to be falling for one another. My dilemma is do I cancel the trip, breaking a long-standing understanding with a man for whom, in an unorthodox way, I have feelings of loyalty and love? Or do I continue to plan for the trip, planning, in effect, to cheat on a man I am becoming close to?
Dear Brief,
Maybe your new man will be the one, or maybe it won?t work out. But you can?t doom this potential happiness by running off for a two-week trip with your Same Time, Every Couple of Years lover. There?s no way to explain this two-week tryst is just a self-contained event, a ?holiday from reality.? (I do wonder if for your lover the holiday is from his marriage.) I understand expensive tickets have been purchased and even if you got travel insurance there?s no clause for ?I met someone who seems better.? But forfeiting the airfare seems like a small price to pay if you end up finding your life partner. Tell your brief-encounter beau what?s happened. If you truly share feelings of loyalty and love, it will be bittersweet but he will wish you well. And if things work out with the new man, that European country sounds like a great place for a honeymoon.
Dear Prudence,
My husband?s sister Susan was recently diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer. Her care plan calls for six weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. There is a facility less than 30 minutes from her home where she can get this treatment. Another one, slightly better, is 15 minutes from my home. Susan lives three hours away and has asked if she can stay at our house for her six-week treatment, with me providing transportation to her appointments. She and her husband are in dire financial straits. Neither is working; the husband is on an endless money-for-nothing quest. Susan is one of the kindest people on earth. However, lodging, caring for, and transporting Susan for six weeks would destroy my family's tightly-structured budget. My husband and I have two school-aged children, and I worry how this would affect them. I?m a stay-at-home mom, but my days are filled with typical mom-errands. Am I being horrid and selfish if I encourage her to seek treatment at the facility closer to her home?
?I Guess It's All About Me
Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=ee2b2af15dacd69c54f95d3006c91b6b
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