?by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
Twitterific links are fed into the Writer?s Knowledge Base search engine (developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 19,000 free articles on writing related topics. It's the search engine for writers. Sign up for our free newsletter for monthly writing tips and interviews with top contributors to the WKB or like us on Facebook. Mike Fleming worked with author and writing coach James Scott Bell to offer an online, interactive, writing program to help make your next novel great. It's called "Knockout Novel" and you can learn more about it at Knockout Novel.com. Big news for BEA--6 top indies have a booth. Is the BEA ready? http://bit.ly/16em6Vl @bellaandre @cjlyonswriter @Porter_Anderson @hughhowey What do authors owe publishers?Ann Patchett's remarks in @thebookseller cause furor: http://bit.ly/12JdgKp @MickRooney7777 @Porter_Anderson?
The need for self-pub work to be well-produced--and the associated costs: http://bit.ly/13L23dw @miralsattar @Porter_Anderson A closer look at Amazon's fan fiction program, Kindle Worlds: http://bit.ly/11jgGp4 @flourish @scalzi @Porter_Anderson 11 Ways Stay-at-Home Moms (and Other Busy Folks) Can Find Time to Write: http://bit.ly/10wUfYe @KMWeiland @devtflaherty 3 Storytelling Methods to Improve Your Writing or Speaking: http://bit.ly/10xO5qZ @dennisbrooke @bloggingbistro 10 tips for handling public pressure and online vitriol without losing it: http://bit.ly/10NQ1KG @ajackwriting The Numbers Game: What to do after you've submitted a short story: http://bit.ly/10IDuy6 @amazingstories0 The Five Cornerstones of Dramatic Characterization: http://bit.ly/126xJqK @thecreativepenn @DavidCorbett_CA It's not enough to write the book.? Self-pubbed authors must think about business: http://bit.ly/10EnNTQ @nataliegayle1 Handling conflict in a virtual world (esp. in online writing communities): http://bit.ly/16b9qOE @Jan_Ohara The 3 forces that are shaping 21st century book publishing: scale, verticalization, and atomization: http://bit.ly/13pr1LS @PassiveVoiceBlg 5 Rules For Writing A Murder Mystery: Keeping the Murderer Secret Until The End: http://bit.ly/109anCM @woodwardkarenSource: http://mysterywritingismurder.blogspot.com/2013/05/twitterific_26.html
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