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Resolutions for Women, Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease, Easy ...

Joelle Reizes - December 28, 2012

Are you trying to stay up-to-date on the latest health news? Start with the weekly news roundups from Life Line Screening. Below, we examine recent headlines featuring healthy resolutions for women, sleep apnea and heart disease and easy healthy holiday tips.


5 Healthy Resolutions for Women

New Year's Resolutions for Women | Life Line ScreeningIt?s that time of year again; time to plan your goals for 2013. Are you starting to think about your New Year?s Resolutions?

WebMD, in an effort to help women accomplish healthier lifestyles year-round, came up with a list of 5 healthy resolutions for women that are totally do-able. They include things like eating, but not pigging out. For instance, by cutting yourself off from some of the major food groups, you?re actually doing your body harm. Employing moderation is the important step many women ignore.

Another resolution is jumping outside of the box when it comes to physical activity. If you?re the type of person to start an exercise regimen and give up soon after, maybe you need to go outside of your normal fitness routines. Make exercise resolutions that are realistic, achievable and well-defined, but are also fun.

Read the other healthy resolutions for women from WebMD now: http://women.webmd.com/features/health-resolutions-for-women?page=2


Sleep Apnea Linked to Heart Disease

A new study has found a link between sleep apnea and heart disease, very similar to the link between diabetes and heart disease.

Results from the study, which was conducted by Romanian researchers, show that of those with obstructive sleep apnea (which can cause a person to stop breathing during sleep), arteries are stiffer than the arteries of people without the condition. Stiff arteries are directly linked to greater heart risks.

These stiff arteries are similar to the arterial stiffness seen in people with diabetes that in turn increases their risk of heart disease. If you think you might be at risk for diabetes or heart disease, explore your options for preventive screenings now.

To read the full article on the link between sleep apnea and heart disease, click here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/17/heart-risks-sleep-apnea-diabetes-stiff-arteries_n_2238601.html


Easy Holiday Health Tips

Do the holidays always set you back in your health goals? Do you have a hard time sticking to your healthy lifestyles this time of year? These easy (and realistic) holiday health tips might help.

To accomplish your health goals, you need to be motivated to do so. That?s why you should follow health tips that you enjoy and that are fully obtainable. For instance, one way to avoid gaining weight this winter is by counting your bites. It makes you more aware of how much you?re eating. Another tip: skip the sliders. Foods that are higher in fat or protein make your digestive system work harder, which can negatively affect your body in other ways, like getting enough sleep.

Read the full list of healthy holiday tips you can enjoy here: http://health.yahoo.net/articles/healthcare/photos/17-holiday-health-tips#0


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Source: http://www.lifelinescreeningblog.com/index.php/resolutions-for-women-sleep-apnea-and-heart-disease-easy-holiday-health-tips/

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